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Website Positioning By Search Engine Optimization

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작성자 Vincent 작성일 24-06-24 08:50 조회 913 댓글 0


The difference between targeted and untargeted traffic is glaring. Targeted traffic comes from those who are looking for your products and services. If you know exactly who you are marketing to, you'll optimize your site for that market.


Content. Content is literally king when it comes to search engine rank-ability. The amount of information based, keyword relevant content that your site contains has a direct bearing on where your pages will rank in the cyber world. I've heard that a website should contain twenty or more pages before some search engines will even begin to index the complete site at all. Whether this is true or Phoenix SEO not is unclear, but from what is understood about LSI, it would not be surprising to me if this were true.

It used to be that you could rank pretty well with just on-page search engine optimization. Sprinkle the right keywords in the right places in your Web content and Bam! You are at the top of the search engine results.

semantic Phoenix SEO I want you to think about what you do when you use a search engine to find information or content for your website. Which link do you click on? Usually the first one right? Now imagine if that was your site, how many people would be clicking onto your site? Most likely ALL of them.

The link creating can be done in two ways. One is one way link building and the other is two-way content building. It is called a one-way link building there will be link to your website but it will not be reciprocated. On the other hand in two-way content building there is a link from an external source to your website and you will have to build one that points back to the external source. It is necessary that the exchange of the links need to be kept at a minimum. The search engines give priority those web sites with those links with good quality and relevance.

This is not all; there are many other reasons for you to gain popularity in search engines. A study has shown that most of the people using the web take the help of search engines to find information about any thing in the web. So anyone who is searching for information about your product and service, your site will be listed at the top of search findings. This means visitors will automatically come to your site and buy your products.

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