VClubShop CC > 자유게시판

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VClubShop CC

페이지 정보

작성자 Sherita
댓글 0건 조회 43회 작성일 24-10-23 01:47


>>>>Information for Resellers:​
We are well known and long time on the market.
We offer up to 85% share.
Shop has user-friendly and convenient Reseller Panel.
Our Reseller Panel shows detailed statistic on CLICK HERE your sales and refund rate of your cards.
You have the highest priority for vclub. tel our supports. You may contact them in our ticket system or through jabber.
Payouts you can make through our fast payout system without having to contact the support.

VClub Automated CC - DUMPS Fresh Daily Update CC/DUMPS shop VCLUB Valid rate of all our bases differs from 50% to 99%.

>>>>Our top up policies:​
All payments can be made only via Bitcoin, vclub. tel and we do not payout this funds back.
After you sent payment via Bitcoin, your balance will be automatically loaded after 2 confirmations in Blockchain.
Bitcoin transaction confirmation could take from 5 minutes to 2 hours
(it depends on commission fee you pay for transaction). We add funds to
your account only after 2 confirmations. There are no exceptions.

We provide no guarantee, that there is any balance on cards you
purchase. And we can not refund or replace a card for this reason.
If card not verified by VISA security or 3D MC Protect we can not replace or refund it.
We do not refund or replace cards with invalid address, state, city, ZIP, phone, club ru DOB, vclub. tel SSN, MMN or name.
If one of our checkers (LUX, 4Check, Try2Check) returns Approval code for a card, we wouldn't replace or refund it.
Refund time for a card - 5 minutes.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

회사소개 개인정보취급방침 서비스이용약관 모바일 버전으로 보기 상단으로

TEL. 00-000-0000 FAX. 00-000-0000 서울 강남구 강남대로 1
대표:홍길동 사업자등록번호:000-00-00000 개인정보관리책임자:홍길동

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